
Journal Policy

Terms for Publishing in the Journal:

  • The authors must be experienced and specialized in the field of clinical practice or research related to cancer.
  • The main and co-authors are responsible for the validity and accuracy of all information contained in the article, study, or research paper.
  • The names of the co-authors in the article, study, or research paper should be according to their active contributions to the research paper.
  • The authors pledge that the basic data and information presented in the article, study, or research paper are theirs, and they did not come from other sources.
  • The authors must adhere to the standards of transparency and ethics of scientific research.
  • The authors are responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that any questions regarding accuracy or integrity are raised.
  • Attach the approval of the co-authors to publish the research paper in the journal from the beginning of the publication request stage.
  • Attach the consent of patients in research or clinical trials to publish their data and observations.
  • The authors must pledge that the article, study, or research paper they are submitting has not been published in any journal before, and is not under study in any other journal. Publishing the article online is a form of publishing.
  • The authors must attach the magazine with their data and contact information (phone number – email – employer), along with the request for publication.
  • All articles submitted to the journal must include the necessary ethical approvals.

General Criteria for Manuscript:

  • The article, study, or scientific research paper must contain new and valuable results, and the data contained therein must be accurate.
  • To be important and have an impact in the field of tumor treatment and prevention.
  • The data contained therein must comply with standards of transparency and authenticity.
  • Any amendment to the research paper after its submission must be approved by all authors and is the responsibility of the lead author. The journal must also be informed of any amendment or addition to the author team.

About The Journal

Journal: Syrian Journal for Cancer Research
Abbreviation: SJCR
Publisher: Higher Commission for Scientific Research
Address of Publisher: Syria – Damascus – Seven Square
Publishing Frequency: Quartal
Launched Year: 2024
This journal is licensed under a: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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