
Publication Ethics

Authors must adhere to the following:

  • Be precise in the results and explain the importance of this research and the results reached.
  • State the data and methods used in the research in detail.
  • Use appropriate measuring tools so that the results remain valid for an acceptable time.
  • The research paper may not be submitted to more than one party at the same time.
  • The translation must be identical to the translated text.
  • Authors must inform the editorial board immediately if they discover an error in their paper to take appropriate action.
  • The research paper should not contain any information that has been previously published, and if any images or figures extracted from previously published research papers are published, permission or copyright must be obtained.
  • Avoid plagiarism, fabrication, and exploitation of images, which may lead to misunderstanding.
  • If passages or texts are quoted from other places, their reference must be mentioned and placed in parentheses. If it is discovered that there is a text quoted without accurate reference documentation, the article will be rejected.
  • The author can’t change the manuscript language after submission.
  • Copyright: Authors sign their agreement to publish freely (open source) in the journal.
  • Declaration that they have read and agree to the terms of publication.
  • If the authors are found to have violated any of the publishing conditions, the article will be rejected or withdrawn from publication.
  • Obtaining the necessary ethical approvals for the clinical study before conducting research and highlighting them when submitting the publication application to the journal.
  • (For Syrian Researchers only): Commitment to all terms stated in the National Guide of Scientific Research and Modern Technological Applications Ethics, prepared by the National Ethical Committee for Scientific and Technological Knowledge formed in the Higher Commission for Scientific Research.

About The Journal

Journal: Syrian Journal for Cancer Research
Abbreviation: SJCR
Publisher: Higher Commission for Scientific Research
Address of Publisher: Syria – Damascus – Seven Square
Publishing Frequency: Quartal
Launched Year: 2024
This journal is licensed under a: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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