
Review Policy

The principle of non-conflict of interest is adopted in reviewing, especially through blind reviewing, and the selection of reviewers from outside the institution or from outside the country, and by not selecting a reviewer who has a relationship or interest with one of the authors, or the institutions they belong to.

Criteria for selecting reviewers:

  • The reviewers should be from an independent entity outside the entity in which the researcher works.
  • They should be able to fully and fairly evaluate the scientific and technical aspects of the research paper.
  • They must have previously evaluated similar research papers.
  • They should be able to evaluate the research paper on time.     

The reviewing process goes through one or several stages:

  • Approval of publishing the paper without any modification.
  • Approval of publishing after making some modifications by the authors within a month in response to the reviewer notes, with or without the need to return the manuscripts to the review committee, and after making sure that all the modifications have been taken.
  • Rejection of the manuscript because the reviewers have a scientific and technical objection, or because the author did not submit the manuscript on a correct, sound, and logical basis, then authors could submit it elsewhere.

Reviewing Transparency:

The authors will be provided with the evaluation report of the reviewers in case of acceptance or rejection, and the authors can follow the reviewing process on the journal site.

Reviewing speed:

The journal will handle the applications as soon as possible. All manuscripts will be dealt with electronically during the reviewing process, and authors will be informed of the result within a week (7 working days) whether the manuscript will pass to the reviewing phase or not. The reviewers are requested to send their reports within three weeks (21 working days) of receiving the manuscript. The editorial board routinely makes its decision to publish after receiving all of the reviewers’ reports within two weeks (14 working days).

The reviewing process and the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will not exceed three months.

About The Journal

Journal: Syrian Journal for Cancer Research
Abbreviation: SJCR
Publisher: Higher Commission for Scientific Research
Address of Publisher: Syria – Damascus – Seven Square
Publishing Frequency: Quartal
Launched Year: 2024
This journal is licensed under a: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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